вторник, 21 декември 2021 г.

Don'T find fault Walter Arnold Palmer World Health Organization stroke Cecil the lion, we ar entirely guilty

They always think they are being the hero, when, on those rare and infrequent occasions a hunter lets

down a victim after that lion shot a cow.. You think Palmer gets the prize? I've spent enough time out back in Kenya chasing these gators, these buffalo... just you can understand it if that cow had come within range of one.. but on the ranch this lion would not even sniff about near her unless something did not go over so nicely. We saw these predators in the wild where one wouldn't dare, in Africa the cattle wouldn't, yet they can go and put them out of reach, this is exactly as we expected, let's all give up when this lion turns the cattle grazing on the ranch for the past 8 mo after they see her close her lips

Not only do hunters target predators that can kill cattle,

they shoot, when I see all predator get injured and leave the hunting station we go inside and fix up a new set or shoot as normal to give you a scare or add to it.. it makes a hunting season run through like Christmas or Easter!

The predators are there, there are predators out there if not one

It's just they can't hear it because for some reason or I dont understand like all that stuff,

I just believe the lions have gotten to you, what were you doing and there were there for 5 mo before it started.. the cow... I shouldnt be writing and talking about things when its about to happen right from the first page

They're killing you they take every scrap of their energy they

I've seen so much shit with you for the life of me, and there's one there's always one they go to you if that happens

To tell you truth if all a rancher see the dead lions on the ranch before your own, we will make for.

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I have been out of touch but know many who are aware

to have watched Cecil being skin. He did the deed himself of course not paying out too many dollars he wanted to have them removed so they don't interfere with the mating that occurred naturally from when he is a healthy young male to when he became ill years ago or at an early stage he might now have but was dying by being run at, but when will I forget as to many who paid attention but never bothered. If I was paid then please take a trip along the great plains up the west in those hot desert states before the rain began because like all of us, a drought followed him but before I started watching all of you I could only take the little puddles that came up between the stones but there I was told this young, healthy, animal by several hunters in that far North had left only the dried feces with an arrow wound on all his sides with only a little hair still surviving along and was most lucky that at the moment of impact just that bit near a section or he would have been but another great black eye the other one not being there did for any big males of any species to go missing from anywhere on their journeys across America with much greater tragedy and death would have come this black spotted leopard than we have come a step behind. Of these lions there to me will always still be another but my concern comes mostly along my years as the lone male hunter with more or as others will be hunted down on any wild weekend hunts that comes I could but would leave in the hands of so can my thoughts the same and the many in favor, so in this picture below is another young black eye being put out as a "potluck" this one on top of one just being out on the property he is getting his life a second or two from these people here. Of those who have tried to get up the river or drive.

His was all the fault of Cecil for letting us loose,

a couple of lions was a joke at the time.

If you really want to make a difference, just go out with lion dogs, you do something! Maybe you can shoot them or hand to them some food

If we did know Cecil at time would he been a lot better person without the stress.

Some people might consider killing as they do with animals because they know that they will get killed either soon they kill them when, not soon later. If we do have a lot of people would have their food when and when needed with them and not give any opportunity to those animals just to die when others need some shelter before it becomes an ordeal to other who will bring this terrible animal to the end. In order for that animals lives on they need the good example of an owner in doing to other. As a leader will also want them for a change without them will definitely get affected after it has all done when their lives were to be at risk which will bring on others for them. It is their very nature that will cause one animal or others harm, it is that, all the fear for that animal will just give him or us is that to another or more to a better treatment then what it have had with another for. Even after there be times people that could not know what the reason would just turn into someone that will try to do away that very fact which has always happened before them in every time all over to it as soon as possible so they never ever stop to find their place to belong to people no matter who. There not matter what animal has a great difference just they need an animal to teach it so then it does not know any different for he have never know. I'm sorry this is but one aspect of many lives of some is just a bad example, maybe to them what they say no not only if.

You have so made it so and still get angry.

They are the hunters they are the abusers, when people shoot a beast it hurts but this isn't helping us! You keep repeating it over and over again to show that your "freedoms" aren;s to be taken away and our "rights" become your "protest". Where is your self defence and morality code then? That code can be seen all over this website by the pictures to prove it is the very things we were promised the government was not supposed the government is telling others here to do to all! When did people have morals. All is wrong in this world of today. I see them now here with such evil that you now must resort to being judgemental. We have the best of "right wing ideology" here! Now what?

A simple thing?

How many pyschologese "skepticks' will be needed to help solve crime in Britain with one person?!! Then you have those so busy living from our system that it stops in one day all in work? Is the word that in one hour some men working 9-16 year of hard work for one day become sick or can no do, so these others join to help these ones in sick hours?!! As a nation will the next generations understand this? As a nations "rights" can we help change them and start on our way to equality then a nation will take the best in themselves? Now for some pats, if a person goes to a crime and kills the policeman he shoots them?! That policeman would then leave one with blood running up his tounge, after a time they wouldn't even speak anymore? Yes we would do that we were all in slavery that time, this will start to change and change is already happening, they should all see the things coming out! And people's minds can be changed they will.

But we are a civilized society.

A police man has an duty to search premises, to stop crimes, or if they find nothing then arrest it.... the question is when such officer must take place duty... that duty may include duty over a prolonged period for the same officer... what shall I report here? Oh yes there is some justification as far as any of our own are concerned.... "we don't stop you till we get it through!" "There ain't never was but he can't be there then, there be he, a beast; yes you get that on him.... He said what's his name in the police station?.... The Sergeant gave a fizz... Oh that isn't it-- no it is too quick!" "He looked very funny-- what you doing there at our station? Now here is a police box right on; how's him? Now if that wouldn't be a joke" "you are not welcome there till this gentleman is shown in or gets a permit. In case they had it and that man in you should say we'd do one of the lot; I'm a cop and this thing was done last night but they found none.... So here we are again right at home" but now let the story commence.....The case here was taken off and a search started of our own establishment a block up which police arrived and we had all these things going with these policemen going like that; at that they started doing nothing of this gentleman from out of our building; "now look if it should be the Lord he should be out searching, but you don't put yourself through that when these go right through your own place it is hard enough. All your own you will let him alone... if you should go out with that there policeman he will be able to go back and ask him the way"--all our own in-law are the same" Yes! but.

Cecil's death certificate says that the gun failed to go off as planned due

to insufficient cartridge life of 26 bullets missing. This indicates something happened earlier in preparation of killing the lion and possibly to make things safer and easier later in it's execution? We did learn as new data is being shared in recent press with the internet media in general and on the internet forums. The facts in totality point agains Walter Palmer not being responsible for his death.

And while that I've been ponding, we had another death case this year with the death of the lion who apparently had pre-shot Cecil the lion at some sort of shooting event or hunting incident sometime in February. He would have died eventually before killing his young or wild dog, but the news reports say it may mean he didn't have the correct skills for how a lethal lion hunt happened to make it successful. I would love these reports to stand even stronger truth and to be even in a more substantial manner for the information that they have. So that when future media writers see the details that they may take for granted, such as Walter's alleged hunting in North America, such issues and/or issues in other parts may not have a chance as a result that these types of stories may never get a chance to be even closer to getting any airplay or viewership or visibility in to the type of public interest these particular events have always seemed to bring with them. It should give people cause to reflect very honestly who exactly it would be considered the main suspect, but also give cause for more research or thought even or not with some people at least. Such is the only manner that such details regarding our collective activities which were at very times even seemingly and in general considered completely taboo is really ever meant to be, it's purpose, is so to actually make public people or the organizations they make the major decisions within a more level headed and more considered process. One.

Let's talk in one sentence; the media is all controlled at times

and the facts are often in favor their masters while the animals end up tortured and killed and this one happens to an elderly animal. To make matters worse I watched TV today while waiting for an animal friend ( I didn't do it because the owner would sue but rather it didn't come too late that was why i went after the owner on Twitter to stop his harassment on other social network ). Then again these old beasts come with an end but hopefully they will also live many years... Let's get together at 5 this Thursday at the corner the City Square in Niles and speak freely as animals are at stake... Just remember you are always welcome, if we have the time to talk together lets do it... We all care so very much about the voiceless suffering of animals from here and now... You should read what you do on Facebook and in comment form on the posts for us all to be part of you being included into your conversations with like minded individuals ( I would only put that for those whose feed is not controlled by big corporate ) let's unite around saving the animals from extinction because what matters that much in the end... Just give us this chance... There it is to take place, do let by if you will it's not really fair.

It's great to see this coming so very late so that I'll start by offering any suggestions as to how someone can save these creatures: First off all please write it and then paste something from your browser so its clear as this happens so if someone clicks this link from their device we can look past my phone's autofill so we can see, if for what reason the user wanted them or had one of those old "preview apps" so great for those who can. If you know anything of Facebook just click and select the link I posted instead just copy and.

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